Backup and restore

For Nibras, backup and restore should be made to both the database and the repository.


Nibras data consists of two items: the database (MySQL), and the files (the repository). So to backup the data, each item has to be backed up, and stored together for consistancy.

Database backup

To backup the database, simply execute the command: mysqldump -u root -proot db_nibras > c:\db_nibras-backup.sql

This command will store a complete dump of Nibras database tables and records to a single file named db_nibras-backup.sql, and stored in folder C:.

This commands uses the MySQL user with name root and password root.If you have a different user, you need to update the command.

Repository backup

To backup the files of the repository, simply compress the repository folder (defined in the application setting under name 'root.rps1.path'), and store the resulting zip file next to the database backup.

If you are using multiple respository, you need to backup them all.


To restore the data, you need to simply do the reverse actions in the backup.

Databse restore

To restore the database, it is advised to stop the Nibras application first. Then, execute the command:

mysql -u root -proot db_nibras < c:\db_nibras-backup.sql

Repository restore

To backup the files of the repository, simply extract the repository backup zip file to the location of the repository (defined in the application setting under name 'root.rps1.path').

If you are using multiple respository, you need to restore them all.