
You can add records through forms, sheets, commands, and by importing files named in Nibras command format.


Example of adding a new task:


Custom forms The east regions contains 3 forms, each in its own panel, to quickly add a resource, a note, or a record with only summary and description. This speed up data entry, and reduce the navigation needed to enter a new record. It also provides the most common fields, and so shorten the entry form.

Quick resource entry

quick resource entry

Quick note entry

quick note entry

Minimal entry

minimal entry


It is available for tasks, payments, and journal.It allows quick adding of many records of different types in one screen.



You can add records through the command bar. Adding through commands will be explained in the Commands section.


You can add records by importing files named in the command notation.

To import files, you need to rename them as if they are add commands, without the command type a. So a file named t p3 -- Paper to read create the same record that the command 'a t p3 -- Paper to read` creates. The next 3 screenshot illustrate this process.

1 - Sample files to import


2- The files as seen inside Nibras import screen


3 - The result of importing
