Main Features

  • Flexible text-based commands to add, update and search records, which provides powerful ways to manage information.
  • Saved searches to save searches for later use.
  • Ability to display records on calendars and Kanban boards.
  • Full-text search of all record fields.
  • Simple file system integration so to greatly reduce the need to organize files manually.

Technical details

  • Nibras is developed in Grails framework 3.3.10, a dynamic framework on top of the Java platform.
  • Grails applications run on any platform that can run Java 8 and later, so practically all platforms, including Windows, Linux, Mac.
  • For production use, Nibras uses MySQL 5+ for its database, and the file system to store the files of the records. To testing and demonstration, it can run with h2 database, with zero extra configuration.
  • Apache Tomcat 8+ is the recommended application server to run it for production use.
  • The bundled distribution comes with Tomcat 8 and runs with a h2 database.


  • Version 1 was in 2009 as a small web application to manage code snippets (notes), as part of project-based study of web development. It was initially based on Grails 1.1.
  • From versions 2 to 14, development continued with frequent expansions in application scope and features. Many features were abandoned or redesigned.
  • Version 6.5 was the first stable version to be use daily and reliably. Version 8 was the first public release after a major and comprehensive code cleaning and interface tweaking.
  • Version 14.9 was the second public release, and it was reset to 1.0.0.
