
There are 3 types of searches in Nibras: quick search (top right search box), forms, and commands.

Quick search field in the top right corner: it does full text seach over all the module records



Form-based search: available on left-hand side of the screen, gives the user the most straightforward way to query the main information types (all except the parameters).


Saved searches

Saved searches are one of the main features of Nibras system. They are used to build most of the navigation menu and reports.

For example, you can use saved query to:

  • Get a list of results e.g. all high priority tasks.
  • Get a table where columns maps to record fields e.g. get all dates and summary of journal records of type 'external event'.
  • Get a random record or records from the list.
  • Display the results in a table grouped by a certain field e.g. course.
  • Display the results in a calendar or timeline.

Sample command


Saved search record A saved search contains a query and a title, with optionally the query to count the total number.
