

The general form of the commad is as follows:

<type> <module> (options) -- <summary> (:: description)

with type, module and summary as the only mandatory fields for all records except resources, that require a resource type too.

Command type

f (find), a (add), u (update)….


r (resource), t (task), n (note), ….


The general format of options is as follows:

<option symbol or letter><option value code>

The following tables summarize the available options.

Option Symbol or letter Example of value codes
status ? ?done
type # #ebk (ebook)
status ? ?done
bookmarked *
department d dh (health department)
course c cpkm (PKM course)
Option Symbol or letter Example of value codes
language ‘ar (Arabic)
priority p p2 (priority 2)
context (for tasks only) @ @out (to be done outside)
code = =tar
id i i2312
start date < or ( (11.04.2019
end date > or ) >13.04.2019


f t *

Finds all bookmarked tasks.

f r #mvs ?watched ‘ar

Finds all Arabic movies (mvs) that I have watched.

a n r123 – A note on the book id 123

Adds a note on the book with id 123, with a title

a t p3 @out (+2 – Task 1

Adds a task with priority 3, with context out, due two days from today, and name “Task 1”.

a t p3 dh #todo ?inp * >+3 -- Task 2

Adds a new task with priority 3, in department H, with type todo, with status in-progress (inp), due 3 days from today, bookmarked, and title “Task 2”.

a r cpkm #art -- Article about organization management :: Some description

Adds a new resource, with type article, in course coded PKM, with a title and description.

u r ?read p3 *

Updates all selected resource records, making their status “read”, their priority 3, and bookmark them.

Sample command to get English articles:

Command entry