Nibras System

An oasis for concentration in the age of distractions and information overload

Nibras is a local open source system for the long-term management of personal information. It is a combination of a web-based application (Nibras PKM) intended for desktop use, and an Android mobile application (Nibras Reader).


The user has full control over his/her data, without the need for a (fast) internet connection, and without all the distractions and information overload that the internet can cause.

Open source

The user has control over the system itself too, especially when using it on the long term to manage the important personal information and files.


It manages resources (articles, books, documents), notes, writings, tasks, goals, journal, planner, payments, indicators, and (study) courses and departments.


It was designed with large amounts of information in mind. In current usage, it manages dozens of thousands of records. With its commands and saved searches, it makes easy to navigate through all the information.


User's guide is available online at

Code, releases and issues

Nibras PKM is hosted on GitHub

Nibras Reader

  • Nibras Reader is available as a browser application and as an Android application. It that connects to a Nibras PKM system (e.g. on the same WIFI network), and gets the bookmarked records in key modules.

  • It also allows the user to enter quick one-line notes that will be synced to Nibras Desktop on user's choice.

  • To use Nibras Reader, the user has to specify first the IP and port of Nibras PKM (found on the footer region). Then, when clicking 'Sync', all bookmarked records will be available for reading on mobile.

  • Google Play link:

The browser application is bundled with the main Nibras zip file (see releases page).

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